Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Donny Osmond....In the flesh

We had a wonderful opportunity to get to attend a dinner where Donny Osmond and Craig Jessop spoke and my talented mom played the piano with the choir. The food was fabulous and Dad did a heck of an amazing job getting the Marriot all finished for this event. It couldn't have turned out better. Except my camera decided not to work very good because either I don't know the technical stuff with it or my son messed with it a bit too much. He finally broke it somehow so if you don't see pictures for a while, it's because I'm in the market to buy a new camera. Any recommendations would be great. But back on subject, we got to see Donny and his band in concert later that evening and he can move very well for his age. The best part was watching 3 larger women on the front row (we were on the 3rd) cheering like crazy to get Donny's attention. Apparently they travel everywhere he goes. Kinda creepy to get that crazy about a celebrity. But Donny was the most kind, humble and funny guy. None of the show business has gone to his head which was a relief to see.


Amy F. said...

That's really cool! You already know we wish we could have been there.
(Did it kinda strike you as random to have Donny Osmond in Logan, at the opening of a Hotel? jk).
I can say that I am a fan -love his music, his show, and just plain him!
Thanks for sharing!!

The Huff Family Blog said...

Yeah and it was his only night off too. Wish you could have been there. I found out like a day or two before. I am getting so exited for Samantha to come!!!!