Friday, December 19, 2008

Thanksgiving Fun

Keri is good at stopping to smell the roses that Nora (not Martha Stewart) put together. Grumpa giving a grin you can help but laugh at. And Lili thinks Daisy is a pony.

Thanksgiving at the Axtell's

It was a beautiful Thanksgiving with more pies than I have ever seen at a family dinner yet! Robin made pies too and the pumpkin swirl one was delicious! I thought the dog, Dorsie jumped up on the fence, but turns out Tyler put her up there. We had a good time with family and friends.

Getting Ready for Christmas

We love Christmas around here and put up our lights way before Thanksgiving, but the weather is so nice, we couldn't resist. And the kids love it. But we were good and waited till the day after Thanksgiving to put the tree up.

Mom's Little Get-Away Trip to Vegas

I finally got brave, bought a plane ticket and flew to Vegas (without husband or kids) to see Diana, Mason, Bridget and Pierre. We went the Beatles Love Cirque Du Soleil show and it was the most impressive show I have ever seen put on! Just incredible. And it was fun to hear Mason play the guitar and hang out with Prego-Diana and take her dogs walking.

My 'Bubby' and Me

Lili calls Andrew Bubby all the time now. Don't know where the nickname came from, but Jake sure comes up with some interesting ones! Rocacoca and Popperbottum bubby are commonly used also.

Lili's Yoga Moves

These pics remind me how flexible we used to be as kids. Lili loves the camera!

Monday, November 17, 2008

We love to carve pumpkins. Jake is so creative every year. He did the apple computer symbol. And I got to do the kids with them.

We had a Spooktacular time at our Trunk or Treat. Lili is one of the pit crew for Lightning McQueen and Andrew still fit his PB pumpkin outfit from last year. It was so warm this year and we didn't have 1/2 as many trick or treaters as last year. Weird!?

As winter approaches, we are trying to find more fun indoors.

Pumpkin shopping.

Lili is our brave adventurist.

When it snows, we head for the hills.

Glass Blowing

Here are my 2 paper weights I made in an art blowing class. They look easy, but looks can be deceiving. The red and white stripes was originally going to be a candy dish, but it doesn't take much to mess it up. It was good learning experience, but I think I'll stick to my oil painting for now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Both of my kids love worms and playing with them after the rain storms. So cute, gross and silly all at once. Lili likes to fill up the sink (I'm just glad it can't overflow) and she plays for up to an hour with her toys swimming around. She does get in trouble when the water gets all over the floor, but I try to encourage her creativeness, even if that means more messes for her and I to clean up together. I love these two little sweethearts.